Configuring HTML 5 mode

Tip submitted by @brevleq

As you may noticed, AngularJS uses a “#” in it’s urls. HTML5Mode of AngularJS removes these “#” from URL.

Activate HTML 5 Mode

Open the app.js file and add this line in config method:

$locationProvider.html5Mode({ enabled: true, requireBase: true });

Then open index.html and add this line in head tag:

<base href="/">

Redirection filter

Now, to have relative paths links working correctly (ex. activation link sent to user e-mail) we will create a controller to forward the URI to index.html:

public class AngularJSForwardController {

    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AngularJSForwardController.class);

    @RequestMapping(value = {"/login**","/activate*","/password*","/register*","/reset/finish*",
                              method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public void pageForward(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse) {
        forward(httpRequest, httpResponse);

    private void forward(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse) {
        RequestDispatcher dispatcher = httpRequest.getRequestDispatcher("/index.html");
        try {
            dispatcher.forward(httpRequest, httpResponse);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error forwarding request", e);

Also, you have to edit urls of the metric.js and health.js. First, open webapp\scripts\app\admin\health\health.js and change:

url: '/health' -> url: '/apphealth'

Then do the same with webapp\scripts\app\admin\metrics\metrics.js:

url: '/metrics' -> url: '/appmetrics'