JHipster release 3.2.0
This is an upgrade and a bug-fix version for JHipster 3.1.0, with some major new features, so we recommend you read the following most important changes:
- Migrated from maven-yeoman-plugin to frontend-maven-plugin for the Maven build: this new plugin is far more popular and provides a lot more options, but works a little bit differently, so feedback is highly welcome!
- New JHipster Registry v2.0.0 release! This is a major new release, with a brand new UI, we’re waiting for your feedback on it! There is one breaking change: it is now secured, so now you will need to log in to use it, using the usual default admin/admin user.
- Spring Boot Actuator endpoints are now secured behind the new “/management” URL prefix. This makes it easier to secure them, but if you rely on those URLs, you will need to update your code.
- Migration from Mongeez to Mongobee for MongoDB: now you can use MongoDB on Heroku and Cloud Foundry!
- Migration from gulp wiredep to gulp inject for bower dependency injection, checkout the generated gulpfile!
- Migration to Spring Cloud Brixton.RC2
- A new [BETA] option to generate a dedicated UAA server for microservices, so you can already try using OAuth2 with microservices!
- Support for required validation for relationships
- New Blob support for Cassandra
- JHipster Console v1.2.0 released, with some bug fixes for alerting
- Many small UI improvements and bug corrections
Closed tickets
一如既往, you can check all closed tickets here.
npm update -g generator-jhipster
yo jhipster
yo jhipster --with-entities
You can also update your entities by running again the entity sub-generator, for example if your entity is named Foo
yo jhipster:entity Foo
如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
- 在我们的bug tracker添加一个缺陷报告
- 在Stack Overflow提交问题
- 在推特上联系@jhipster