JHipster release 4.9.0
This new release has 66 closed tickets and merged pull requests, here are the most important news:
- Traefik support was added last week, see #6397. It is still in BETA, but adds an interesting alternative in our microservice architecture. Full documentation on using Traefik with JHipster is available here.
- Major improvement on JHipster UAA: Access/Refresh Token Handling for UAA Authentication #5752
- Front-end tests will now use Chromium headless, which is a huge change: Replace PhantomJS by chromiumHeadless and puppeteer #6377
- The Gradle Wrapper is now using the latest Gradle 4.2 release: see #6392
- Karma tests now have source maps: this will make them a bit slower, but a lot easier to debug - see #6400
- Issues with our AWS sub-generator should at least be fixed thanks to #6408
- A new polyfill has been added to add IE 11 support, see #6337
- Upgrades to Yarn, NodeJS, NPM have been made in #6424
As a result of those latest changes and bug fixes, we have removed the BETA tag on JHipster UAA and on our Kafka support option.
Warning Big changes in the OAuth2 support will happen in the next release, see #6361:
- We will migrate from our current home-made OAuth2 support (based on Spring Security OAuth2) to use OpenID Connect
- As a result, JHipster will work with OpenID Connect providers like Keycloak or Okta
- This will remove a lot of code, and provide better quality and features
- As the current OAuth2 code is used by less than 1% of projects, we feel that this change will not affect many people
一如既往, 你可以在此处查看所有已关闭的工单与已接受合并请求.
在已存在的项目上使用JHipster upgrade sub-generator自动升级:
yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster
jhipster upgrade
选择手动升级, 需要先升级你的Jhipster版本:
yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster
如果你已经有了一个项目, 将会继续使用当时项目生成的Jhipster版本.
如果需要升级你的项目, 你需要先删除node_modules
jhipster --with-entities
你也可以使用实体类子生成器挨个更新你的实体类, 例如你的实体类名字是_Foo_
jhipster entity Foo
如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
- 在我们的bug tracker添加一个缺陷报告
- 在Stack Overflow提交问题
- 在推特上联系@jhipster