This documentation is for an older version of JHipster. Click here for the current version of the documentation.
This sub-generator allows to deploy automatically your JHipster application to the Cloud Foundry cloud.
It works with MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB cloud providers.
Before running the sub-generator, you need to install the cf Command Line Interface (CLI), and have a Cloud Foundry account created.
To deploy your application to Cloud Foundry, type:
yo jhipster:cloudfoundry
This should package your application (in production or development mode), create a Cloud Foundry application (with a database), upload your code, and start the application.
When your application is already deployed, you can re-deploy it by building it normally (mvn -Pprod package
) and running:
cf push -f ./deploy/cloudfoundry/manifest.yml -p target/*.war
yo jhipster:cloudfoundry