JHipster Domain Language (JDL) - Entities Permalink to " JHipster Domain Language (JDL) - Entities"
Summary Permalink to "Summary"
Syntax Permalink to "Syntax"
The entity declaration is done as follows:
[<entity javadoc>]
[<entity annotation>*]
entity <entity name> [(<table name>)] {
[<field javadoc>]
[<field annotation>*]
<field name> <field type> [<validation>*]
<entity name>
the name of the entity,<field name>
the name of one field of the entity,<field type>
the JHipster supported type of the field,- and as an option:
<entity javadoc>
the documentation of the entity,<entity annotation>
the options for the entity (see Options for a complete list of available options),<table name>
the database table name (if you want to specify something different that the name automatically computed from the entity name),<field javadoc>
the documentation of the field,<field annotation>
the options for the field,<validation>
the validations for the field.
Examples Permalink to "Examples"
Basic example Permalink to "Basic example"
entity A
This is equivalent to:
entity A(a) {}
The former the simpler form, without specifying a “body” (braces for fields) and a table name.
With a custom table name Permalink to "With a custom table name"
Specifying a custom table name is possible too:
entity A(my_super_entity)
With fields Permalink to "With fields"
entity A {
name String required
age Integer
With field validations Permalink to "With field validations"
entity A {
name String required
age Integer min(42) max(42)
Blob declaration Permalink to "Blob declaration"
JHipster gives a great choice as one can choose between an image type or any binary type. JDL lets you do the same. Create a custom type (see DataType) with the editor, name it according to these conventions:
to create a field of the “any” binary type;ImageBlob
to create a field meant to be an image.TextBlob
to create a field for a CLOB (long text).
And you can create as many DataTypes as you like.
Regular expressions Permalink to "Regular expressions"
This is a certain validation (only available to String types), and its syntax is:
entity A {
name String pattern(/^[A-Z][a-z]+\d$/)
Let’s break it down:
is the keyword to declare a regex validation (with the normal parenthesises)/.../
the pattern is declared inside two slashes\
anti-slashes needn’t be escaped
Commenting Permalink to "Commenting"
Commenting is possible in the JDL for entities and fields, and will generate documentation (Javadoc or JSDoc, depending on the backend).
* This is a comment
* about a class
* @author Someone
entity A {
* This comment will also be used!
* @type...
name String
age Integer // this is yet another comment
These comments will later be added as Javadoc comments by JHipster. The JDL possesses its own kind of comment:
- // an ignored comment
- /** not an ignored comment */
Therefore, anything that starts with //
is considered an internal comment for JDL, and will not be counted as Javadoc.
Please note that the JDL Studio directives that start with #
will be ignored during parsing.
Another form of comments are the following comments:
entity A {
name String /** My super field */
count Integer /** My other super field */
Here A’s name will be commented with My super field
, B with My other super field
Yes, commas are not mandatory but it’s wiser to have them so as not to make mistakes in the code. If you want to mix commas and following comments, beware!
entity A {
name String, /** My comment */
count Integer
A’s name won’t have the comment, because the count will.
Field types and validations Permalink to "Field types and validations"
Each field type has its own validation list. Here are the types supported in the JDL:
JDL type | Validations |
String | required, minlength, maxlength, pattern, unique |
Integer | required, min, max, unique |
Long | required, min, max, unique |
BigDecimal | required, min, max, unique |
Float | required, min, max, unique |
Double | required, min, max, unique |
Enum | required, unique |
Boolean | required, unique |
LocalDate | required, unique |
ZonedDateTime | required, unique |
Instant | required, unique |
Duration | required, unique |
UUID | required, unique |
Blob | required, minbytes, maxbytes, unique |
AnyBlob | required, minbytes, maxbytes, unique |
ImageBlob | required, minbytes, maxbytes, unique |
TextBlob | required, unique |