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JHipster release 0.5.0

JHipster gives you Yeoman + Maven + Spring + AngularJS all working together in one handy generator.

What's new

  • The "entity" sub-generator is now in ready to use. A full documentation is available here
  • You can now create a single executable JAR file of the application, for easy deployment. It is documented in the production section
  • Several bug fixes and minor improvements, and updated documentation

How to upgrade

Update your version of JHipster with:

npm update -g generator-jhipster

And then you can update your project when you run again

yo jhipster

As we have changed the Liquibase changeSet, to include the "HIBERNATE_SEQUENCES" table, you might need to drop your existing schema, or add this table manually.

Help and bugs

If you find any issue with this release, don't hesitate to: