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JHipster release v8.0.0-beta.1

This is our first beta release for JHipster v8.

It includes more than 2777 closed tickets and pull requests on the main project.

It is not available through the usual channels as this is a beta release, please read below for more information!

What's new?​

πŸ’Ž Features & Enhancements​

  • Consul as default #19300
  • Rename angularX configuration option to angular #19361
  • Drop upgrade-config generator #19655
  • Bump node dependency to 18 lts #22372

🐞 Bug Fixes​

  • Prevent leakage of user information via api #22373

πŸ’» Frontend​

πŸ”“ Authentication/Security​

  • Prevent leakage of user information via api #22373

🐾 JDL/Internals/Blueprints​

  • Add relationshipSideconcept to jdl relationships #22481

πŸ“œ Others​

  • Many improvements
  • Many libraries upgrades
  • Many bug fixes

Closed tickets and merged pull requests​

As always, you can check all closed tickets and merged pull requests here.

How to install​

This is a beta release, so it is not available on our usual "stable" release channel.

To install JHipster v8.0.0-beta.1 using using NPM:

npm install -g generator-jhipster@beta

It is also available using the JHipster Docker image, as it is automatically built from our source code.

However, as this is a BETA release it will not be available using our other usual channels like:

You also won’t be able to use the jhipster upgrade sub-generator, as it won’t β€œsee” the BETA release, which is distributed through a specific beta channel on NPM.

Help and bugs​

If you find any issue with this release, don't hesitate to:

If the issue you have is an urgent bug or security issue, please: