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JHipster release 0.16.0

JHipster gives you Yeoman + Maven + Spring + AngularJS all working together in one handy generator.

What's new

JHipster 0.16.0 comes with one new major feature: Gradle support! This will generate a Gradle configuration, which should work the same as our usual Maven build. But, of course, it is more flexible, more powerful, and more hype!

In case you were wondering: yes, you can use Gradle OR Maven on the backend, and Grunt OR Gulp.js on the frontend. All 4 combinations should work the same!

And of course we have several bugfixes and improvements, which are listed here

How to upgrade

Update your version of JHipster with:

npm update -g generator-jhipster

And then you can update your project when you run again

yo jhipster

Help and bugs

If you find any issue with this release, don't hesitate to: