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JHipster release 3.5.1

What's new

This is a patch release, with 2 important bug fixes for the "import-jdl" sub-generator:

  • "import-jdl" subgenerator is not generating correct imports #3871
  • No errors from import-jdl #3870

Closed tickets

As always, you can check all closed tickets here.

How to upgrade

For an automatic upgrade, starting with JHipster v3.4.0, use the JHipster upgrade sub-generator on an existing application:

yo jhipster:upgrade

For a manual upgrade, first upgrade your version of JHipster with:

npm update -g generator-jhipster

If you have an existing project, it will still use the JHipster version with which it was generated. To upgrade your project, you must first delete its node_modules folder and then run:

yo jhipster

You can also update your project and all its entities by running

yo jhipster --with-entities

You can also update your entities one-by-one by running again the entity sub-generator, for example if your entity is named Foo

yo jhipster:entity Foo

Help and bugs

If you find any issue with this release, don't hesitate to:

If the issue you have is an urgent bug or security issue, please: