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JHipster release 4.3.0

What's new

  • Maven and Gradle have both been upgraded to their latest versions. Maven users will thus be able to enjoy color in their terminal!
  • The really annoying "Unable to register with Angular 4" #5542 bug is fixed
  • Angular CLI is now officially supported, you can find a complete documentation here.
  • For Angular 4 users, lots of library upgrades and new lints, so you should expect to have some work to upgrade, but this will give you better quality in the end.
  • pngquant and optipng have been removed, see #5553
  • The upgrade sub-generator has been improved, its updated documentation is here.

Closed tickets and merged pull requests

As always, you can check all closed tickets and merged pull requests here.

How to upgrade

Automatic upgrade

For an automatic upgrade, use the JHipster upgrade sub-generator on an existing application:

yo jhipster:upgrade

Manual upgrades

For a manual upgrade, first upgrade your version of JHipster with:

yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster

If you have an existing project, it will still use the JHipster version with which it was generated. To upgrade your project, you must first delete its node_modules folder and then run:

yo jhipster

You can also update your project and all its entities by running

yo jhipster --with-entities

You can also update your entities one-by-one by running again the entity sub-generator, for example if your entity is named Foo

yo jhipster:entity Foo

Help and bugs

If you find any issue with this release, don't hesitate to:

If the issue you have is an urgent bug or security issue, please: