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All our artwork can be found in our artwork repository.

JHipster Logo

The JHipster Banner

JHipster Banner

The JHipster Family

Below are some examples of the JHipster family members.


As with all JHipster projects, the JHipster Artwork project follows the JHipster code of conduct. One of our goals is to have inclusive artwork: at the moment the "JHipster family" has a few members, but the idea is that this family grows, with many different members, as expressed in our code of conduct. If you want to help the project, you can either participate as an artist (the source files from all images are available in the github repository) or as a sponsor (so we can pay an artist to create those new images).

All images are validated by Audrey Neveu, who is well-known in the Java community for her involvement in Devoxx4Kids and Duchess France.

Logos and images usage

All logos and images are available under the Apache 2 license, and belong to the JHipster project.