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Installing JHipster

Installation types

We provide 3 ways of working with JHipster. If in doubt, choose our 2nd option, "Local installation with NPM":

  • JHipster Online is a way to generate an application without installing JHipster in the first place.
  • "Local installation with NPM" is the classical way of working with JHipster. Everything is installed on your machine, which can be a little complex to set up, but that's how most people usually work.
  • The "Docker" container, which brings you a lightweight container with JHipster installed.

JHipster Online (for users wanting a simplified way to run JHipster)

JHipster Online allows you to generate JHipster applications, without having to install JHipster.

This is intended for people trying JHipster for the first time, or who want to have a look at what JHipster provides.

While it is easier to use, it is not the "full JHipster experience", and once your application is generated you will still need to follow most of the steps from the next section ("Local installation with NPM"), as you will still need Java (to run your application) and NPM (to manage your front-end code).

In the future, we expect JHipster Online to provide more features.

Quick setup

  1. Install Java 17 or 21 LTS. We recommend you use Eclipse Temurin builds, as they are open source and free.
  2. Install Node.js from the Node.js website (please use an LTS 64-bit version, non-LTS versions are not supported)
  3. Install JHipster: npm install -g generator-jhipster
  4. (optional) If you want to use a module or a blueprint (for instance from the JHipster Marketplace), install Yeoman: npm install -g yo

Now that JHipster is installed, your next step is to create an application

Optional installations

  1. Install a Java build tool.
  2. Install Git from We recommend you also use a tool like SourceTree if you are starting with Git.

Additional information

JHipster uses Yeoman for code generation. To find more information, tips and help, please have a look at the Yeoman "getting starting" guide before submitting a bug.

The configuration will be stored in a generated .yo-rc.json file, so it is strongly recommended not to generate a JHipster project in your HOME directory. If you did it, you won't be able to generate another project in a sub directory. To solve it, delete the .yo-rc.json file.

Docker installation (for advanced users only)


This Docker image is for running the JHipster generator inside a container. It's completely different from the Docker and Docker Compose configurations that JHipster will generate, which goal is to run your generated application inside a container


JHipster has a specific Dockerfile, which provides a Docker image.

It makes a Docker "Automated build" that is available on:

This image will allow you to run JHipster inside Docker.


  1. (Recommended) Docker Desktop: the easiest way to build, run and test the dockerized apps. Docker Desktop comes with graphical interface for managing containers/images/volumes, Docker developer tools, Kubernetes support and much more.
  2. Docker Engine: client-server application with command line interface (CLI). Follow the Docker Engine installation instructions

As the generated files are in your shared folder, they will not be deleted if you stop your Docker container. However, if you don't want Docker to keep downloading all the Maven and NPM dependencies every time you start the container, you should commit its state or mount a volume.


Based on your OS, your DOCKER_HOST will differ. On Linux, it will be your localhost. For Mac/Windows, you will have to obtain the IP using following command: docker-machine ip default

On Linux, you might need to run the docker command as root user if your user is not part of docker group. It's a good idea to add your user to docker group so that you can run docker commands as a non-root user. Follow the steps on to do so.

Usage on Linux/Mac Windows (with Docker)

Pull the image

Pull the latest JHipster Docker image:

docker image pull jhipster/jhipster

Pull the development JHipster Docker image:

docker image pull jhipster/jhipster:master

You can see all tags here

Run the image


If you are using Docker Machine on Mac or Windows, your Docker daemon has only limited access to your OS X or Windows file system. Docker Machine tries to auto-share your /Users (OS X) or C:\Users<username> (Windows) directory. So you have to create the project folder under these directory to avoid any volume mounting issues.

Create a "jhipster" folder in your home directory:

mkdir ~/jhipster

Run the Docker image, with the following options:

  • The Docker "/home/jhipster/app" folder is shared to the local "~/jhipster" folder
  • Forward all ports exposed by Docker (8080 for the Java application, 9000 for BrowserSync, 3001 for the BrowserSync UI)
docker container run --name jhipster -v ~/jhipster:/home/jhipster/app -v ~/.m2:/home/jhipster/.m2 -p 8080:8080 -p 9000:9000 -p 3001:3001 -d -t jhipster/jhipster

If you have already started the container once before, you do not need to run the above command, you can start/stop the existing container.

Check if the container is running

To check that your container is running, use the command:

docker container ps

4ae16c0539a3 jhipster/jhipster "tail -f /home/jhipst" 4 seconds ago Up 3 seconds>9000-3001/tcp,>8080/tcp jhipster

Common operations

  • To stop the container run: docker container stop jhipster
  • And to start again, run: docker container start jhipster

In case you update the Docker image (rebuild or pull from the Docker hub), it's better to remove the existing container, and run the container all over again. To do so, first stop the container, remove it and then run it again:

  1. docker container stop jhipster
  2. docker container rm jhipster
  3. docker image pull jhipster/jhipster
  4. docker container run --name jhipster -v ~/jhipster:/home/jhipster/app -v ~/.m2:/home/jhipster/.m2 -p 8080:8080 -p 9000:9000 -p 3001:3001 -d -t jhipster/jhipster

Accessing the container


On Windows, you need to run the Docker Quick Terminal as Administrator to be able to create symlinks during the npm install step.

The easiest way to log into the running container is by executing following command:

docker container exec -it <container_name> bash

If you copy-pasted the above command to run the container, notice that you have to specify jhipster as the container name:

docker container exec -it jhipster bash

You will log in as the "jhipster" user.

If you want to log in as "root", as the sudo command isn't available in Ubuntu Xenial, you need to run:

docker container exec -it --user root jhipster bash

Your first project

You can then go to the /home/jhipster/app directory in your container, and start building your app inside Docker:

cd /home/jhipster/app


Once your application is created, you can run all the normal gulp/bower/maven commands, for example:


Congratulations! You've launched your JHipster app inside Docker!

On your machine, you should be able to:

  • Access the running application at http://DOCKER_HOST:8080
  • Get all the generated files inside your shared folder

By default, Docker is not installed inside the jhipster/jhipster image.

So you won't be able to:

  • use the docker-compose files
  • build a Docker image with the docker daemon (Maven goal: jib:dockerBuild or Gradle task: jibDockerBuild)

However, you will be able to use jib's daemonless mode which can build a docker image and push it to a registry without access to a docker daemon (Maven goal: jib:build or Gradle task: jibBuild). But you will need to setup credentials to the docker registry as a pre-requisite of building the app. See the Jib plugin configuration documentations for more details.