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Blueprint Basics

JHipster has support for plugins, and we call them blueprints and modules.

Prior to JHipster v7.9.0, modules were Yeoman generators executed using yo, extended generators-jhipster's generator-base class, and registered hooks to integrate into JHipster's workflow.

As of JHipster v7.9.0, modules are blueprints with stand-alone generators (not blueprinted) and a custom CLI. We will refer to them as standalone blueprints (or just blueprints) from now on.

Basic rules for a JHipster blueprint

JHipster blueprints:

  • are NPM packages and Yeoman generators.
  • follow an extension of the Yeoman rules listed at Instead of being prefixed by generator-, are prefixed with generator-jhipster-, and instead of having just the yeoman-generator keyword, and must have 2 keywords, yeoman-generator and jhipster-blueprint.


To use a blueprint, run the below command

jhipster --blueprints <blueprint name>

Or use the custom provided CLI:



JHipster has many official blueprints, some examples:

  • Backend
    • JHipster Kotlin blueprint replaces most of the server side Java code with equivalent Kotlin code.
    • JHipster.NET blueprint replaces the entire server side with .NET implementation.
    • JHipster NodeJS blueprint replaces the entire server side with NestJS implementation.
  • Backend Customization
    • JHipster Native blueprint customizes JHipster applications with Spring Native compatibility.
  • Frontend
    • Svelte Hipster blueprint replaces the entire client side with Svelte implementation.
  • Mobile

Side-by-Side blueprint

Each generator can be a side-by-side (SBS) blueprint. A SBS blueprint doesn't change the original generator's behavior but can customize the behavior and the result. A SBS blueprint makes easier to support multiple JHipster versions and port to a new JHipster version.

To make the generator side-by-side, add this to the constructor:

this.sbsBlueprint = true;

Example: server generator at Native Blueprint. In the example, the generator customizes package.json, removes files, customizes the pom.xml, customizes Java files, customizes Cypress, and so on.

A side-by-side blueprint can be used to create hooks and help migrate an existing module. This is covered in Creating a module.

Custom CLI

Standalone blueprints can be executed using yo, but yo is aggressive in generators discovery—which can be slow—and lacks some improvements. The JHipster CLI provides help and JHipster integration. Therefore, we recommend using the jhipster CLI or creating a custom CLI based on generator-jhipster.

The jhipster command executes the generator-jhipster version you have installed globally. A custom CLI will execute the dependent generator-jhipster and will make sure to use the supported generator-jhipster's version.

A custom CLI allows you to execute a custom generator and is covered in Creating a module.

Local Blueprint

An application can be kept updated more easily when customizations are generated by jhipster. A local blueprint is implemented with this purpose in mind.

The entire blueprint is implemented inside the application's .blueprint directory.

Some benefits:

  • avoids or reduces conflicts when regenerating and upgrading.
  • allows to bulk edit entities files.
  • doesn't need to be published to a npm repository.
  • full control of the jhipster workflow.
  • easily generated with a single command.

Development and public API

We still lack published JSDoc API documentation, so you will need to refer to the source code.

Application configuration:

JHipster's configuration follows Yeoman configuration pattern and provides additional support for blueprint config.

The config and jhipsterConfig properties store the common config and write to the generator-jhipster key in the .yo-rc.json file. The blueprintStorage and blueprintConfig properties store the blueprint-specific config and write to the generator-jhipster-(my-blueprint) key in the .yo-rc.json file.

The config and blueprintStorage are Storage instances, while jhipsterConfig and blueprintConfig are proxy objects for config and blueprintStorage storages for convenience.


You can use constants in generator-constants.js:

const javaDir = `${jhipsterConstants.SERVER_MAIN_SRC_DIR + this.packageFolder}/`;
const resourceDir = jhipsterConstants.SERVER_MAIN_RES_DIR;
const webappDir = jhipsterConstants.CLIENT_MAIN_SRC_DIR;


You can use all functions in generator-base.js:

Running a Blueprint locally for development

While developing a blueprint, please note the below steps. They are very important.

  1. Link your blueprint globally

Note: If you do not want to link the blueprint (Step 3) to each project being created.

cd generator-jhipster-my-blueprint
npm link
  1. Link a development version of JHipster to your blueprint. Note: required only if you want to use a non-released JHipster version, like the main branch or your own custom fork)
cd generator-jhipster
npm link

cd generator-jhipster-my-blueprint
npm link generator-jhipster

Or install generator-jhipster from git:

cd generator-jhipster-my-blueprint
npm install jhipster/generator-jhipster
  1. Create a new folder for the app to be generated, and run JHipster ignoring JHipster dependencies (otherwise a released version will be installed each time npm install/ci is called)
mkdir my-app && cd my-app

jhipster --blueprints my-blueprint --skip-jhipster-dependencies
  1. Once the blueprint/generator-jhipster is released, re-add the JHipster dependencies for reproducibility
jhipster --no-skip-jhipster-dependencies

Registering a blueprint to the JHipster marketplace

To make your blueprint available in the JHipster marketplace, you need to make sure you have the two keywords yeoman-generator and jhipster-blueprint in your published npm package.json. If you find any entry in the marketplace that is not a JHipster module or blueprint, you can help to deny list it by adding it to the blacklistedModules section of the modules-config.json file by doing a Pull Request to the jhipster/ project.

Once you publish your blueprint to NPM, your blueprint will become available in our marketplace.