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JHipster Domain Language (JDL) - Relationships

Relationship types

Mentioned after the relationship keyword.

There are four relationship types:

  • OneToOne
  • OneToMany
  • ManyToOne
  • ManyToMany

To know more about relationships and what's possible to achieve, you can head to the dedicated page.

A note on plural names: JHipster handles them so that you don't have to in your relationships.

Relationship methods

Mentioned after the source and destination entity, used with the with keyword.

Supported methods:

  • builtInEntity: required when the destination entity is a built in entity like User and Authority

Multiple relationship bodies

If you're tired of having n relationships of the same type in your JDL file, don't worry! There's a solution.

Take this JDL sample for instance:

relationship OneToOne {
A to B
relationship OneToOne {
B to C
relationship OneToOne {
C to D
relationship OneToOne {
D to A

The solution consists in having every relationship body inside on relationship declaration, like this:

relationship OneToOne {
A to B,
B to C,
C to D,
D to A

This syntax is really useful when:

  • You have lots of relationships of the same type,
  • You want to know what the relationships are,
  • You don't want to waste time looking for them in your JDL file(s)


Relationship declaration is done as follows:

relationship (OneToMany | ManyToOne | OneToOne | ManyToMany) {
@<option>("<option value>")+ <from entity>[{<relationship name>[(<display field>)]}] to @<option>("<option value>")+ <to entity>[{<relationship name>[(<display field>)]}]+
  • (OneToMany | ManyToOne| OneToOne | ManyToMany) is the type of your relationship,
  • <option> is one of the supported values: Id | OnDelete | OnUpdate. Make sure to put this on the correct side of the relationship. First character case is not sensitive (jdl export will generate upper).
  • <option value> is one of the fitting optional values for the given option: NO ACTION | RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL | SET DEFAULT
  • <from entity> is the name of the entity owner of the relationship: the source,
  • <to entity> is the name of the entity where the relationship goes to: the destination,
  • <relationship name> is the name of the field having the other end as type,
  • <display field> is the name of the field that should show up in select boxes (default: id),
  • required whether the injected field is required.
  • with builtInEntity whether the relationship destination is an built in entity
  • And you can have more than one relationship body


Basic example

relationship OneToOne {
A to B

Note that this example is the same as:

relationship OneToOne {
A{b} to B{a}

Not specifying an injected field is the short form of having a bidirectional relationship.

Another example:

relationship OneToOne {
A{b} to B

This will generate a unidirectional relationship. You can only find entity B through entity A, but you cannot find entity A through entity B.

With injected fields

relationship ManyToMany {
A{b} to B{a}

This is a bidirectional relationship, meaning that both entities will be generated with an "instance" of the other entity.

With methods

relationship OneToOne {
A to User with builtInEntity

With options

relationship ManyToOne {
A to @OnDelete("SET NULL") @OnUpdate("CASCADE") B


In Hibernate/JPA, deleting a parent entity in a many-to-one relationship with child entities depends on the relationship configuration and cascading behavior.

Cascading Delete: When enabled, deleting the parent automatically deletes its associated children. This is achieved using CascadeType.REMOVE in the @OneToMany annotation on the parent entity class.

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent", cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE)
private List<ChildEntity> children;

No Cascading Delete: If not enabled, deleting a parent with children will result in a foreign key constraint violation. You must manually remove or disassociate the children before deleting the parent. Use cascading delete with caution as it can lead to unintended data loss.

Alternative for Preventing Delete Error: Use the @OnDelete annotation in JDL which will configure the database schema for cascading delete or add cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE to the generated Java code (if applicable).

With required sides

Used to make at least one relationship side required.

relationship ManyToMany {
A{b required} to B{a}

// or

relationship ManyToMany {
A{b} to B{a required}


relationship ManyToMany {
A{b(name) required} to B{a required}

Reflexive relationships

A reflexive relationship is a relationship whose source & destination entities are the same.

relationship ManyToMany {
A{parent} to A{child}

A note on required reflexive relationships

As noted here, required relationships to the same entity are not supported. The issue is that a child must always have a parent, which in turn must have one too, etc. A possible workaround is to have explicit root and children entities.


Adding comments for relationships is possible:

relationship OneToOne {
/** This comment will be put before b in entity A*/
/** This comment will be put before a in entity B*/

The same commenting rules are applied here. These comments will later be added as Javadoc comments by JHipster. The JDL possesses its own kind of comment:

  • // an ignored comment
  • /** not an ignored comment */

Therefore, anything that starts with // is considered an internal comment for JDL, and will not be counted as Javadoc. Please note that the JDL Studio directives that start with # will be ignored during parsing.